Thank You to Our supporters

This concert series is made possible thanks to support from the community. We are thrilled to finally gather together again to enjoy live music with you, and in turn, support artists who will need our patronage more than ever in order to continue creating art and bringing us together to experience it.

Give Local York 2023 Donors

The following people designated contributions to Kable House Presents during Give Local York, York County’s annual 24-hour online giving event, on May 5. We are so grateful for this support - without it, we simply wouldn’t exist.

In addition to these donors, we also send our thanks to those who are not listed here because they chose to remain anonymous.

Katie Langley
Peter Lee
Skye Leppo
Richard LeVan
Courtney Lewis
Loucks-Livingston Family
Patricia Maher
Nancy Mannion & Fred Cluck
Heather Mavros
Janet McGuinness
Trisha Melikian
Erica Meloy
Daryl & Nancy Meredith
Ron & Karen Miller
AJ Myers
Terry & Patti Myers
Valerie Myers
Casey Nixon
David Page
Sully Pinos
Dave Pollick
Rachael A. Prensner
Mike Pritchard
Public Disco Porch
Brendan Quinn & Kate Hynes
Abby R.
Richards Family
Kelsey Rossbach
Brandon Ryder
Lori Schmitt
Jen & Kevin Schreiber
Dylan Segelbaum
Frank Serina
JJ Sheffer
Meredith Sheffer
Laura Siegel
Pepe Silvia
Pepe Silvia
Erin Smith
Melissa Snavely
Jessica Sprenkle
Erin Strine
Chris Strub
Karin Swartz
Deborah Toluba
Juan Torres
Michelle VanDyke
Christopher Velez
Bob & Barb Walker
Carmen Walsh
Elizabeth Walter
Russ & Jana Watson
Audra Weaver
Tom & Sarah Weigle
Jessica Weikert
Megan Whittle
Corey Willard & Barb Paules
Charlie & Holly Wise
Raymond C. Wise
Allison Witherow
Lisa Work
Mary Yeaple
Jay Yeaple
Jon & Gale Yinger

Thaddeus Abbott
Christopher Bahn
Stephen Baker
Steve & Nancy Barry
Dylan Bauer
Heather & Jared Bean
Hannah Beard
Patricia Baughman
Ron & Tracy Benenson
Joan & Jeffrey Bitzer
Ashley Blucher & Leslie Brengle
The Bonds
Wendy Bond
Alexa Born
Kellie & Kinley Boysen
Amelia Brallier
Mike Bresnahan
Jess & Pat Brubaker
Elizabeth Bupp
Elyse Pollick Byrnes
Sarah Chain
Silas Chamberlin
Averie Clark
Victoria Connor
Hayley J. Croom
Ann Davis
The Dempwolf Family
Melissa Ecker
Renee Ellis
Jenny Englerth
Jess & Matt Ensminger
Jared & Kara Ferraro
Janelle Foltz
Chelsea Foster
Joyce Founds
Kerryn & Wade Fulton
Debbie Gable
Abby Gibb
Meagan & Philip Given
Andy Given
Andrew Gobel
Rod Goelz
Becky Goodling
Tim Grady
Jim Hamrick & Tracy Wise
Rebecca & Will Hanlon
Kate Harmon
Katie & Finn Hartman
Hayman Studio
Peter Henry
Janice Herrold
The Hewitts
Cindy Hoke
Jefferson Charitable Trust/Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jefferson
Eileen Joyce
Christina Kauffman
Denise Kenna
Bill & Kim Kerlin
Bill & Holly Kingman
Greg & Marsha Koch
Jason Konopinski
Chip Konrad
Gretchen Kowalik
Susan Krebs
Seth Laidlaw

Community Partners

Central Market
Corner Cabinet
Cultural Alliance of York County
Philip Given
Hayman Studio
Mudhook Brewing Company
Rock Mill Audio, Video, and Lighting
Roost Uncommon Kitchen
York Fringe

Add Your Support

We rely on contributions from generous supporters like you to keep this series running.